
Projectile Motion Competition

Medieval Mayhem!  





Project and competition:

- Create the device
- Write up a lab report with diagrams, targeting capabilities outlined, and table / equations which calculate adjustments needed to hit a target located at some location (x, y, z) in front of your mechanical device.
- Use a computer program such as excel or Mathematica to read in a relative target position, and calculate the necessary mechanical adjustments for your device.  (If you are interested in using a different program for this like C++ or MatLab, just let me know!)

2 different categories to compete in:

1. Distance   - 50% extra credit on final for whoever's device projects something the longest distance.

2. Accuracy- 100% on final for whoever calculates trajectories and hits their targets the most accurately.

Projectile device must:
  • be mechanical (no fires, no chemical reactions)
  • be safe (no explosives or dangerous air pressures)
  • be no larger than 2 ft by 2 ft by 2ft
  • cannot be taped or otherwise anchored to table/ground/floor
  • have a triggering mechanism consisting of either pushing on something with a standard pencil eraser, or pulling on a string.
  • Can launch a round projectile (no arrows) whose size is no larger than a baseball.  (You can use marbles, ping-pong balls, ball bearings, anything smaller than a baseball)
  • Students need to make their own device - no kits or store-bought toys.

Distance:  Best out of 3 launches

Accuracy:  3 different targets, 2 chances at each target.  Targets will range in distance from 1 ft to 12 ft away.  One target will be located at a different height than launch position.

The Final Showdown:
The top 3 most accurate devices will have a shoot-off.  
In a 5 minute period, shoot as many objects as you can into a target located 8 ft away.  You can use your own projectiles, or there will be bags of marbles that you can use if you wish.

Good luck!

Welcome to the ENGR 2302 Blog!

See menus along right hand side and along top of blog.  

For Chapter 11 notes:

In addition to this webpage, D2L will be used to post grades, handouts, HW, and additional example problems.  Make sure you can log into and post in the D2L forums - under communication - discussions.  Participation points for your forum posts!  

Please let me know if you would like additional resources for any of the subjects that we cover.  If you have trouble finding the D2L forums, or have trouble accessing any of the online materials, please let me know ASAP!  

See you in class!