
Chapter 15 Lab - rotational motion!

ENGR2302  Rotational motion Lab                                                     Name: _________________


1.        (15.75) A Frisbee moves horizontally in the x direction with a speed of 10 m/s and has an acceleration of -2 m/s^2 (it’s slowing down).  Knowing that it has a clockwise rotation when viewed from above with an angular velocity of 100 rad/sec, determine the instantaneous axis of rotation, and the velocity and accelerations of the points in the figure below.  A: x = r,  B: z = +r, C: z = -r.

Concept quiz: Skim through these notes:

a)      Throw a Frisbee right-side-up and up-side-down.  Which works better?  Why? Is it possible to design a Frisbee that has even more lift?  Draw a new Frisbee design; include arrows showing the velocity profile. 

b)      Try to give the Frisbee a forward velocity without spinning it.  Now try tossing it with a very slow rotation, and then a fast rotation.  Why does an increased angular momentum (mrv) stabilize the motion? ( Angular momentum is a body’s resistance to change in its orientation and rate of rotation, just like linear moment is a body’s resistance to change in it’s velocity.  – Inertia!)


Try out the bike wheel + spinning chair.  The spinning wheel does not want to be re-oriented, it’s stable when it is spinning! 


2.        Yo-Yo physics!

a)      Potential energy → kinetic energy. 

If the yo-yo starts at a height of 5 ft, and is allowed to unwind until it reaches the ground, what is it’s linear and rotational velocity just before it hits the ground?  (measure the diameter of your yo-yo’s axis)
What is the angular momentum of the yo-yo at the end of its string?  Why does the yo-yo want to climb back up its string?  (think back to the Frisbee problem, and think about angular momentum again)
Why is the yo-yo’s axis perpendicular to its string when it is rotating? 



c)        Why is a little tug needed in order to keep the yo-yo moving?




d)       Explain the angular accelerations and velocities at play for your favorite yo-yo trick (walk the dog?  Sleep?)




3.        Slinky


As a slinky goes down the stairs, what is the velocity of a point on its outer edge, as opposed to its velocity on its inner edge?  Where is the instantaneous center of rotation?


4.        Spirograph

Choose a circle and a track out of the Spirograph kit, and sketch out a pattern.  If the circle has a constant angular velocity about its center, how does the velocity of where your pencil tip is vary?  Label your Spirograph art with the velocity of your pencil tip if the art was created using constant angular velocity of the circle.  Where was the velocity max?  Where was it a minimum? Why? 


Draw a new sketch – this time label the accelerations of where your pencil tip was, again assuming that the circle had a constant angular velocity through the entire process.  Where do max and min accelerations happen?    





5. Water Wheel assembly:

If a river imparts a tangential velocity of 10 m/s to the end of the clear water-wheel paddle, what are the angular velocities of all of the gears?



6.        Gears with rods:

Solve for the maximum horizontal velocity of the end of the lower rod dragging along the ground as a function of the angular velocity of the gear at the top of the assembly. 



Solve for the maximum angular velocity and acceleration of the lower rod as a function of the angular velocity of the gear at the top of the assembly. 


7.  Pulley play time.

If you somehow managed to get through all of this, go get the pulley's out and play around with them.  What is the max mechanical advantage that you can set up?  What is the velocity of the weight you are lifting vs. the angular velocities of all of the pulleys?